Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Saturday, 26 October 2019
Friday, 25 October 2019
I look like my own Birthday cake. Had a great time.#meta #metalhealth #metahealthindia #metahealthschool #metahealthsound

Monday, 21 October 2019
Another successful workshop in Level one and level two ( specific issues) on matrix reimprinting completed today. Thankful.#meta #metahanindita #metahealthschool #metahealth #eft #matrix #matrixreimprinting

Tuesday, 8 October 2019
Lost in my dreams, Lost in my thoughts, Trying to understand life’s tricks, I have a problem with you he says, Is their a solution to this all, Yet, I know I care and that is more important that this all.#Meta #metahealth #metahealthindia #metahealthschool #metahealthsound

Friday, 4 October 2019
Miss my father. Togetherness that I have experienced with father and his love can last my for my entire lifetime.#meta #metahealth #metahealthindia #metahealthschool #metahealthsound

Togetherness has to be experienced with love and compassion.#meta #metahealth #metahealthindia #metahealthschool #metahealthsound