Monday, 30 November 2015

Genius report and Penta Design Workshop in Mumbai

Genius report of Dolly Parton 'The actress"

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Genius report and Penta Design Workshop in Mumbai

“Our perceptions ...

Genius report of Dirubhai Ambani

Mother Teresa's Genius Report.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Article on Weight Issues and META-Health By Anu Mehta In 'Bliss Equity Lifestyle Lounge"

Article in 'The Speaking Tree' on Genius report written by Dr Kwesi Anan Odum

It's sometimes fun to peep into past. Nirmala Niketan college

I am blessed to meet my past after 25 years.

Genius report and Penta Design Workshop in Mumbai

Anu Mehta Talk Show - Awareness Talk on Genius Report

Anu Mehta and Dr Kwesi with ASTRO -World Organizers

Dr Kwesi Anan Odum doing a talk on Astro Medicine at Health library, Mumbai.

Nirmala Niketan Carnival - Meeting my past after 25 years.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Genius Report and Penta Design Workshop in Mumbai